"Endeavors 2004-05"

Agricultural Research Division of IANR



Date of this Version

January 2005


Research, discovery for Nebraskans; Tallow key to new cholesterol fighter; Exploring genetics of potential biological threat; Creating wearable corn – husks, that is; Tracking helps predict landslide sites; Assessing foot-and-mouth test kits; New mapping system tracks livestock diseases; Remote images could predict crop health; Exploring genetics behind obesity; Team seeks lower cost ways to reduce arsenic; Larger, softer kernels boost feed value; Alternative crops could aid Panhandle; Analysis examines impact of GM crops; Better understanding servant-leadership; Simulation tool aids corn growers; Devising ways to predict livestock odors; Local produce could help growers, chefs; Using corn for ethanol makes energy sense; Sensors should reveal soil differences; IDing safe levels of manure for growing crops

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Agriculture Commons
