"Endeavors 2003-04"

Agricultural Research Division of IANR



Date of this Version



Published by University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.



ARD shares discoveries with citizens statewide
Building herbicide resistance into broadleaf crops
Carbon sequestration research points to storage potential
Identifying important genes could lead to controls for dangerous Listeria bacteria
Better understanding selenium’s benefits
A clearer look at root pests’ noshing habits
Vitamin may have role in preventing cancer
New tool helps check buffer strips’ effectiveness
Pinpointing genetic key to sterile plants
Major study yields info to enhance child care
Findings help protect allergic consumers
Insecticide resistance offers clues to controls
Making the most of bromegrass pastures
WeedSOFT takes guesswork out of weed control
New E. coli controls showing promise
Songbird-predator interactions in wetlands key to increasing birds’ breeding success
Customized information aids diet changes
Exploring groundwater’s role in salt marshes
New Sandhills calving system reduces scours
Microbes could enhance ag profitability
Glimpses at ARD Research

Included in

Agriculture Commons
