

Date of this Version


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Hathaway, I.L. and Davis, H.P. (1933) The vitamin A content of skimmilk, standardized milk, and cream from different breeds of cows (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 69)


ISSN 0097-1400


A study was made of the vitamin A content of skimmilk, of milk standardized by the addition of separated milk, and of cream. Rats whose body stores of vitamin A had been depleted by being fed a vitamin A deficient ration were fed either skimmilk, standardized milk, or cream as a source of vitamin A. Approximately 750 rats were used in nine experiments. From the results of these experiments the following conclusions were drawn: (1) that the vitamin A content of milk is associated largely with the butterfat and that separated milk containing a small quantity of fat contains only a small amount of vitamin A, (2) that the standardization of the butterfat content of milk by the addition of separated milk reduces its vitamin A potency, and (3) that, under the conditions of these experiments, Holstein cream contained more vitamin A than Jersey cream.
