Extension, Cooperative
Date of this Version
Document Type
Hinman, Eleanor H. and Rankin, J.O. (1933) Farm mortgage history of eleven southeastern Nebraska townships 1870-1932 (Research Bulletin: Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Nebraska No. 67)
It is believed that a study of a complete record of all farm mortgages for a typical although very limited Nebraska farming area from 1870 through 1932 may be of interest (1) as a sample of the farm mortgage history of the western part of the corn belt, (2) as a contribution to analyzing some of the sources of agricultural credit and the use made of them, (3) as an illustration of the relation of farm mortgages to land and commodity prices, farm income, and banking resources, and (4) as an example of the mortgage problems of corn belt farmers at the present time and in preceding depressions.
ISSN 0097-1398