Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Business in Nebraska vol. 51 no. 604
Per capita personal income figures by county for 1993 recently were released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The spread in per capita personal income across counties in Nebraska is wide, ranging from $11,063 in Loup County to $27,346 in Wheeler County. Four of the five counties with the highest per capita income ore rural-Wheeler (1). Hayes (2), Dundy (4), and Fillmore (5). Douglas County (3) is the only urban county in the lop five. (Numbers in parentheses represent county rankings. low numbers represent high rankings. l The five counties with the lowest per capita income are Wayne 189). Howard (90). Sioux (91), Thurston (92), and loop (93).
Per capita personal income is estimated by dividing estimated total personal income of residents by estimated resident population as of July 1 of a particular year. Personal income is the income received by all persons from all sources. Personal income is the sum of earnings (private and government wage and salary disbursements, other labor income, and form and nonfarm proprietors' income), rental income of persons, personal dividend income, personal interest income, and transfer payments less personal contributions for social insurance.
Copyright 1995 by Bureau of Business Research, University of Nebraska.