Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Manufacturing in Nebraska (E. L. Hauswald)
This article is based on data from the last complete census of manufacturing taken in 1963. Developments subsequent to 1963 have been sufficient to modify the situation described herein. The efforts of the Nebraska Division of Resources have produced results not recorded in the 1963 census. Recent reactivation's of operations related to the national security and expansions of industries in several of the state's communities could not be incorporated in this analysis. The aggregate impact of these developments will not be ascertainable until the next census of manufacturing.
Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)
In September, Nebraska's dollar volume of business was 8.2% above September, 1965. Physical volume of business was 5.4% above last year. The U.S. indexes were up 7.3% and 4.5% respectively. In both the U.S. and Nebraska, dollar volume decreased 0.1% from August, 1966. The physical volume in Nebraska decreased 1.5% while that of the U.S. increased 0.1% from August. Cash farm marketing's was the only Nebraska indicator lower than the previous year. In the U.S., cash farm marketing's, construction activity, and life insurance sales were down from the previous year's level.
Published in Business in Nebraska (December 1966) No. 267, 6 pages.