Bureau of Business Research
Date of this Version
Agriculture in Nebraska (E. S. Wallace)
In the decade from 1954 to 1964 in Nebraska the number of farms dropped more than a fifth and their average size grew by more than a fourth; the total value of farm land and buildings and the value per acre rose by more than 50%, and the value per farm by more than 90%; irrigated acreage increased 85%; the value of farm products sold rose more than 50%, the average sales per farm nearly doubled, and the importance of livestock relative to crops in farm income continued to increase; the exodus from the farm, particularly of younger persons, persisted, and the average age of farm operators and the proportion over 65 rose to new highs; the proportion of operators in residence and the proportion of tenancy continued to decline, while the proportion working off the farm increased substantially.
Business Summary (E. L. Burgess)
Nebraska's dollar volume of business in November increased 3.4% from November, 1965 and the physical volume increased 3.1%. U.S. figures for the same period were +5.0% and +3.6% respectively. Dollar volume changes from October, 1966 were -3.4% (Nebr.) and -1.3% (U.S.) and physical volume chances for the same period were -2.8% (Nebr.) and -0.5% (U.S.). Of the business indicators for Nebraska, newspaper advertising (+11.3%) and manufacturing employment (+11.4%) show the greatest increases over a year ago. construction activity remained well below last year for both the U.S. (-10.6%) and Nebraska (-11.4%).
Published in Business in Nebraska (February 1967) No. 269: 6 pages.