Children, Youth, Families & Schools, Nebraska Center for Research on


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Guzman, J., Vonderhoe, R., Durden, T., Brand, G., Poppe, L., Nelson, M., & Crandall, L. (2011, November). Ages and Stages: Toddler (12–24 Months). NebGuide G2104. University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


Copyright University of Nebraska 2011


During the second year of development, toddlers grow and develop rapidly as they learn new things and explore their world. Learn what milestones to watch for and how you can provide a safe and supportive environment for your child’s development.

Children 12 to 24 months old are learning, exploring, and communicating at a rapid rate, growing from dependent infants to more independent toddlers. They may challenge the patience, sense of humor, and even common sense of a parent or caregiver. Be prepared to “baby proof” the entire home, yard, and outside environments. This stage can be fun and rewarding as you guide your toddler through simple learning experiences. Keep in mind the following general developmental milestones for the busy toddler in your life.
