Diffendal Receives Wisherd Award for University Service, Ronica Stromberg
Publications and Other Works by R. F. Diffendal, Jr., Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Broadwater Formation (Pliocene) of Nebraska and Southeastern Wyoming, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James B. Swinehart
Fossils on the Floor Mosaics in the Rotunda of the Nebraska State Capitol Second Edition, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology and Hydrogeology of Northeastern Nebraska: Geology, Water Management and Geological Hazards, Nebraska Geological Society Field Trip 2021, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Sue Olafsen Lackey, and Douglas R. Hallum
Rock Glen Wildlife Area: A Landscape History, Gerry Steinauer and Robert Diffendal Jr.
Tributes to Rick Edwards upon His Retirement, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Michael Farrell, Michael David Forsberg, Maurice Godfrey, John J. Janovy Jr., Katie Nieland, Linda Pratt, Rebecca S Wingo, David J. Wishart, George E. Wolf, Peter Longo, and John R. Wunder
Hydrogeology and Geology of the Lower North and South Platte Rivers of Nebraska: Nebraska Geological Society Field Trip 2020, Douglas R. Hallum, Paul R. Hanson, Shane Tucker, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Fun in a Kansas Salt Mine, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Fossils on the Floor in the Nebraska State Capitol: A Coloring and Activities Book, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Review of The Ends of the World: Volcanic Apocalypses, Lethal Oceans, and Our Quest to Understand Earth's Past Mass Extinctions, by Peter Brannen, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic Mapping of Nebraska: Old Rocks, New Maps, Fresh Insights, R. Matthew Joeckel, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., P. R. Hanson, and Jesse T. Korus
Geological Principles Illustrated in the Art along the Antelope Valley Hiker/Biker Trail – The BIG X (Salt Creek Roadway/Antelope Valley Parkway) South to Q Street, Robert Diffendal, Jr.
Great Plains Geology, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Great Plains Geology: A Personal Journey, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Great Plains Geology: My Personal Journey, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Nebraska, USA: Wonderful Fossils, Natural History Museums and Public Art Depicting Fossils, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Review of Great Plains Geology by Robert F. Diffendal, Jon Trevelyan
Review of A Garden of Marvels: How We Discovered that Flowers Have Sex, Leaves Eat Air, and Other Secrets of Plants, by Ruth Kassinger, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The University of Nebraska State Museum, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Some Reflections on Our Experiences at Sun Yat-sen University Since 1985, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Anne P. Diffendal
Ashfall Tephra in the Ogallala Group of the Great Plains: Characteristics and Significance, Michael E. Perkins, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Michael R. Voorhies, Barbara P. Nash, and Bruce E. Bailey
Geologic Observations along the Steamboat Trace Trail, Markers 16-20, in the Vicinity of Peru, Nemaha County, Nebraska (Including on the Indian Cave Sandstone), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Great Plains Research: A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences with accompanying map, Robert Diffendal, Jr.
Great Plains Research: A Journal of Natural and Social Sciences with accompanying map (2), Robert Diffendal, Jr.
Review of The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A Final Warning, by James Lovelock; foreword by Martin Rees, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Book Review of James Lovelock: In Search of Gaia, by John Gribbin and Mary Gribbin, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE O'NEILL 1º X 2º QUADRANGLE, NEBRASKA, WITH CONFIGURATION MAPS OF SURFACES OF FORMATIONS, Robert Diffendal, Jr.; Michael R. Voorhies; E. Jane Voorhies; H. E. LaGarry; C. L. Timperley; and M. E. Perkins
Pamphlet to Accompany Geologic Map GMC-34: Geologic Map of the O’Neill 1º x 2º Quadrangle, Nebraska, with Configuration Maps of Surfaces of Formations, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Michael R. Voorhies, E. Jane Voorhies, H. E. LaGarry, C. L. Timperley, and M. E. Perkins
Great Plains Research Volume 16, Issue 1, Spring 2006: Front and Back Matter, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Vertical Movement of Water in a High Plains Aquifer Induced by a Pumping Well, Xunhong Chen, Yanfeng Yin, James W. Goeke, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Vertical Movement of Water in a High Plains Aquifer Induced by a Pumping Well, Xunhong Chen, YanFeng Yin, James W. Goeke, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic Framework and Groundwater Occurrence (Kimball County, Nebraska), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Letter from the Editor, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Ogallala Aquifer, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Topographic Maps, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Keith County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 51, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James W. Goeke
Lewis and Clark State Park Signs, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Les Howard
Geomorphic and Environmental Change Around a Large, Aging Reservoir: Lake C. W. McConaughy, Western Nebraska, USA, R. Matthew Joeckel and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Ashfall Historic Park: Field Trip 5, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Lewis and Clark and the Geology of Nebraska and Parts of Adjacent States, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Anne P. Diffendal
Lewis and Clark and the Geology of the Great Plains, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Anne P. Diffendal
Southeast Nebraska Geology: Field Trip 3, Roger K. Pabian; Robert F. Diffendal, Jr. Jr.; and Darwin R. Boardman II
Field Guide to the Geology of the Harlan County Lake Area, Harlan County, Nebraska, with a History of Events Leading to Construction of Harlan County Dam, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Duane R. Mohlman, R. George Corner, F. Edwin Harvey, K. J. Warren, Scott Summerside, Roger K. Pabian, and Duane A. Eversoll
Field Trip Guide (for the Nebraska Well Drillers Association) Central Nebraska Geology, James W. Goeke, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Duane A. Eversoll
Field Trip Guide (for the Nebraska Well Drillers Association) Central Nebraska Geology, James W. Goeke, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Duane A. Eversoll
Structural and Geomorphological Evolution of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), Anhui Province, China, Pei-Hua Huang, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Ming-Qing Yang
Ecoregions of Nebraska and Kansas, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Arthur County Test Hole Logs, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James W. Goeke
Arthur County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 3, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James W. Goeke
Keith County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 51, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and James W. Goeke
Reconnaissance Survey of Lewis and Clark on the Missouri National Recreational River, Nebraska and South Dakota, Anne P. Diffendal, Gary E. Moulton, Michael Shambaugh-Miller, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Cheyenne County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 17, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Deuel County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 25, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Earth in Four Dimensions: Development of the Ideas of Geologic Time and History, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Earth in Four Dimensions: Development of the Ideas of Geologic Time and History, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology and Ground Water, Garden County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of Rock Creek Station State Historical Park, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), China, Pei-hua Huang, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Min-qing Yang, and Patricia E. Helland
Mountain Evolution and Environmental Changes of Huangshan, China, P.-H. Huang, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., M. Yang, and Patricia E. Helland
Antelope County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 2, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Frank A. Smith, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Holt County Test-Hole Logs: Nebraska Water Survey Test-Hole Report No. 45, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Frank A. Smith, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology and Ground Water, Cheyenne County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of the Ponca Creek and Keya Paha River Drainage Basins in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Ground Water, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of Niobrara State Park, Knox County, Nebraska, and Adjacent Areas, with a Brief History of the Park, Gavins Point Dam, and Lewis and Clark Lake, Charles A. Flowerday, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., R. L. Skelly, F. G. Ethridge, D. A. Eversoll, David K. Watkins, and B. E. Bailey
SEM Analysis of Quartz Sand Grain Surface Textures Indicates Alluvial/Colluvial Origin of the Quaternary "Glacial" Boulder Clays at Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), East-Central China, P. E. Helland, Pei-Hua Huang, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Field Trip Guide (for the Nebraska Well Drillers Association) Northeastern Nebraska Geology, S. Olafsen Lackey, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., R. R. Burchett, D. A. Eversoll, and R. A. Tremblay
Field Trip Guide (for the Nebraska Well Drillers Association) Northeastern Nebraska Geology, Sue Olafsen Lackey, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Raymond R. Burchett, Duane A. Eversoll, and Rodney J. Tremblay
Geologic Map of the Scottsbluff, 1 ° x 2 ° Quadrangle, Nebraska and Colorado, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic History of Ash Hollow State Historical Park, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., Roger K. Pabian, and J. R. Thomasson
Geology Beneath the Primary Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site Southwest of Shelton, Buffalo County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Frank A. Smith
Geology Beneath the Primary Management Systems Evaluation Area (MSEA) Site Southwest of Shelton, Buffalo County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Frank A. Smith
Estimation and Abundances in Two-Component Mineral Mixtures Using Mid-Infrared Laser Reflectance Ratios, Ram M. Narayanan, Kristin K. Warner, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of the Ogallala/High Plains Regional Aquifer System in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geology of the Ogallala/High Plains Regional Aquifer System in Nebraska: Field Trip No. 6, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic Map of Morrill County, Nebraska, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geomorphic and Structural Features of the Alliance 1º × 2º Quadrangle, Western Nebraska, Discernible from Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Maps, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic Framework of the Niobrara River Drainage Basin and Adjacent Areas in South Dakota Generally East of the 100th Meridian West Longitude and West of the Missouri River, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Michael R. Voorhies
Environments of Aeolian Deposition in South-Central Nebraska During the Last Glacial Maximum, Zhao-Dong Feng, William C. Johnson, and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Niobrara River Basin Geological References, Including Parts of South Dakota Both in and Outside of the Basin, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Profiles: Nelson Horatio Darton: His Surveys Laid the Foundation, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Understanding Groundwater Starts with the Rocks: Geologic Fralnework, Groundwater Occurrence and Irrigation Development in Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Application of Sealevel Stratigraphy to Neogene Great Plains Stratigraphy, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and A. Lowrie
Geological Field Guide to the Cedar Point Biological Station, Keith County, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr. and Roger K. Pabian
Probable Glacial Climatic Conditions in Source Areas during Deposition of Parts of the Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group (Late Tertiary), of Western Nebraska, Patricia E. Helland and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Synthetic-Aperture Radar Imagery and Digital Shaded-Relief Map of Northwest Nebraska: Probable Structures and Geomorphic Features of the Region, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Stable Isotope Composition of Calcareous Paleosols and Ground-water Cements from the Ogallala Group (Neogene), Western Nebraska, Leonard Robert Gardner, Robert F. Diffendal Jr., and Douglas F. Williams
Plate Tectonics, Space, Geologic Time, and the Great Plains: A Primer for Non-Geologists, R. F. Diffendal Jr.
Geologic Map Showing Configuration of the Bedrock Surface, North Platte, 1 ° x 2 ° Quadrangle, Nebraska, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Plate Tectonics, Space, Geologic Time, and the Great Plains: A Primer for Non-Geologists, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Quartz Sand Surface Features, Ash Hollow Formation, Ogallala Group, Western Nebraska, Patricia E. Helland and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Late Paleozoic Cyclic Sedimentation in Southeastern Nebraska: A Field Guide, Roger K. Pabian and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Late Paleozoic Cyclic Sedimentation in Southeastern Nebraska: A Field Guide, Roger K. Pabian and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Review of Report of the ARL Serials Prices Project, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
The Sidney Gravel and Kimball Formation, Supposed Parts of the Ogallala Group (Neogene), Are Not Objectively Mappable Units, Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Lake Maloney Quadrangle, Nebraska--Lincoln County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic), Robert F. Diffendal Jr.
Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Cyclic Sedimentation, Paleogeography, Paleoecology, and Biostratigraphy in Kansas and Nebraska, Roger K. Pabian and Robert F. Diffendal, Jr. Jr.
Geology of the Pre-Dune Strata, James B. Swinehart and Robert F. Diffendal Jr.