Natural Resources, School of
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Date of this Version
Published by the Conservation and Survey Division, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in conjunction with the Geological Society of America regional sections meeting, April 27–28,1995.
This guide is mostly figures with a reference section containing some of the pertinent literature on the Cenozoic geology we will see over the next four days. Copies of some of the cited works will be assembled in a packet and handed out on the morning of April 29th. We will make all 17 stops. if the weather is reasonably good and the roads are passable. On the first day, April 29, we will try to get to stops 1-5, the more distal parts of the Ogallala and younger deposits in Nebraska. On April 30, we will try to visit stops 6-9. Stops 10-15, in areas closer to the sediment sources of the Ogallala and some of the younger units, will be examined on May 1. Stops 16-17 will be made on our return trip to Lincoln.
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