"DA Pamphlet 30-50-2, Handbook on the Satellite Armies, 1 April 1960" by Robert Bolin , depositor

U.S. Department of Defense


Date of this Version


Document Type



The minimum unambiguous citation for this document is DA Pam 30-50-2, 1 April 1960


  • The document digitized was borrowed from the Alfred M. Gray Marine Corps Research Collection in Quantico, VA.
  • This document superseded DA Pam 30-50-2, 1954.
  • A companion work is DA Pam 30-50-1, Handbook of the Soviet Army, 31 July 1958.
  • Since the Army often reuses manual numbers and titles, the date a publication was issued must be included to unambiguously identify a given manual.


This manual contains detailed descriptions of the armed forces of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Hungary. It covers the military system, organization field forces, militarized security forces, weapons, equipment, uniforms, and military terms in each country. Outline maps of the countries, photographs of weapons, and colored illustrations of insignia, uniforms, and medals are included.
