English, Department of
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Final project for Dr. Stephen Behrendt's Romanticism course, Fall 2013.
William Blake, like other Romantic-era poets, was inspired by and wrote about the world around him. The hundreds of poems he wrote later inspired other genres such as music. In 1990 the University of California Press published Blake Set to Music: A Bibliography of Musical Settings of the Poems and Prose of William Blake written by Donald Fitch. This bibliography lists 1,412 pieces up to 1988. The following bibliography consists of pieces of music written after Fitch’s bibliography was published or, in a few cases, a composition written before Fitch’s bibliography was published, but not mentioned in that bibliography. This will not be a completed bibliography because compositions continue to be written.
The 47 entries below are organized by the last name of the composer using Fitch’s bibliography as a model. While Fitch’s bibliography is numbered for the purposes of print publication, this smaller bibliography remains unnumbered to leave room for future additions as they arise and is formatted to be published online. Like Fitch’s bibliography, entries list the country in which the composition or album was published, though, in a few cases, this position has been left blank because the country information was not readily available in the time this project was conducted.
Each entry begins by listing either the name of a single composition, or an album in which compositions have been collectively published. The time duration listed in each entry refer to the complete length in minutes and seconds of the individual composition or album in the first position of the entry. Where possible, entries contain a list of instrumentation, copyright dates, composition dates, publisher names, and genres. Finally, entries that begin with an album title end with a list of the works on that album that are based on works by Blake numbered as they are on the album.
In most cases, detailed bibliographical information about the composer or piece of music could not be determined in the time constraint of this project; however, each entry’s source list contains at least one web link to either a full score of the piece, a YouTube video, or sound recording via Spotify and/or another website for validity.
Copyright (c) 2014 Ashanka Kumari