Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Reports and Other Materials

Date of this Version


Document Type



Annual Review of the World Pheasant Association 1995/1996

Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 1996


Copyright 1996, World Pheasant Association. Used by permisison


Pheasant Specialist Group, Peter J. Garson

Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group, Simon D. Dowell

Grouse Specialist Group, Matt Ridley

The Seventh International Grouse Symposium, Fort Collins, USA, Anne Westerberg

Megapode Specialist Group, René W. R. J. Dekker

Captive Breeding Advisory Committee, Han Assink

WPA-South Asia Regional Office and captive crested argus, Rahul Kaul

Brown eared-pheasant project report. Zhang Zheng-wang

Saving the Blyth's tragopan. Ron Sumner

Why are Lophura pheasants so variable? Geoffrey Davison

Recent rare pheasant observations in Chin State, West Myanmar (Burma), Ben King, Dave Farrow, Craig Robson, Hugh Buck. Tim Fishe
