Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies


Galliformes Specialist Group and Affiliated Societies: Reports and Other Materials

Date of this Version


Document Type



Annual Review of the World Pheasant Association 1996/1997

Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 1997


Copyright 1997, World Pheasant Association. Used by permission


Chairman's report, Richard P. Howard

Annual report of Council 1995/96

Chapter and Affiliate reports

Pheasant Specialist Group, Peter J. Garson

Partridge, Quail and Francolin Specialist Group, John P. Carroll

Grouse Specialist Group, Ilse Storch

Megapode Specialist Group, René Dekker

Cracid Specialist Group, Daniel M. Brooks and Stuart D. Strahl

Captive Breeding Advisory Committee, Han Assink

On the systematic status Crossoptilon harmani, Tso-hsin Cheng

Distribution of western tragopan, Surender S. Katoch, J. S. Jandrotia, and M. K. Seth

The rediscovery of Edwards 's pheasant, Roland Eve

Egg laying and incubation of the Polynesian megapode, Ann Goth and Uwe Vogel
