Honors Program


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Sobotka, B. (2017). Enduring Chronic Kidney Disease: An Investigation of Psychosocial Factors and Life Satisfaction in Older Adults Receiving Dialysis Treatment. University of Nebraska-Lincoln DigitalCommons.


An Undergraduate Honors Thesis Submitted in Partial fulfillments of University Honors Program Requirements, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. August 9, 2017.

Copyright (c) 2017 Bailee Sobotka


Chronic kidney disease is a condition during which the kidneys begin to shut down and no longer filter blood efficiently. Once the disease has progressed far enough, dialysis treatments are mandatory to sustain life. To further understand how older adults receiving dialysis treatments cope with their disease, psychosocial factors were evaluated to investigate possible correlations with life satisfaction using a Life Satisfaction Index Z (LSI-Z). Expected correlations with life satisfaction were sociability, financial satisfaction, importance of spirituality, and activities of daily living scores. Interviews were conducted with 30 dialysis patients and results were analyzed using various statistical measures. Significant correlations to life satisfaction were found with the number of symptoms experienced, financial satisfaction, importance of spirituality, overall enjoyment of life score, feelings about coming to the unit, and health comparison score. Overall, patients who had more positive experiences at the dialysis unit, while also maintaining both financial and spiritual stability in their life through the transition of retirement and aging, were more likely to have greater life satisfaction. Further research is needed with a larger sample size to more deeply understand the ways in which patients cope with these changes in health and lifestyle.

First Advisor : Mary Lou Buss, PhD, LCSW
