Wildlife Damage Management, Internet Center for | University of Nebraska - Lincoln Research | DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln
The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management is a non-profit grant funded site that provides research-based information on how to responsibly handle wildlife damage problems. This site seeks to service the needs of 4 key constituency groups: homeowners, agricultural producers, professionals (both academic and industry providers) and policy makers, such as government agencies.

Users are encouraged to browse, read, download, save, print, and link to articles or documents found on this site, but are admonished not to re-publish, re-post, mirror, or otherwise re-distribute materials without the permission of the original copyright holders.

"The Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management does not necessarily concur, endorse or recommend all of the opinions and/or images contained within these documents. Should you use or rely on the information, techniques and materials provided by the ICWDM, you are responsible for determinations of efficacy and legality of such use and/or reliance, and you will at all times defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, Utah State University, Cornell University, and Clemson University, their officers, employees and agents against all claims, demands, costs, and expenses arise from your use of or reliance on any information provided in the ICWDM and the Digital Commons. The ICWDM includes these sources for purposes of historical record, completeness and research."

Users may also wish to browse or search the Wildlife Damage Management Image Database, @ http://0-libtextcenter.unl.edu.library.unl.edu/content/custom/wildlife/wildlifesplash.php

Browse the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management Collections:

Bird Control Seminars Proceedings

Bird Strike Committee Proceedings

Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Health Centre: Newsletters and Publications

Coyotes in the Southwest: A Compendium of Our Knowledge (Symposium Proceedings, 1995)

Eastern Pine and Meadow Vole Symposia

Eastern Wildlife Damage Control Conferences

Ecological and Environmental Anthropology (University of Georgia)

Extension Wildlife & Fisheries Specialists Conferences

Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP)

Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop Proceedings

Human–Wildlife Interactions

ICWDM Image Collections

Indiana Wildlife Disease News

National Conference on Feral Hogs (2008)

National Invasive Species Council

Other Publications in Wildlife Management

Prevention and Control of Wildlife Damage Handbook

Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Annual Reports

Sheep and Goat Research Journal

Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study: Publications

Spanish-Language Materials - Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management

The Probe: Newsletter of the National Animal Damage Control Association

TWS Wildlife Damage Management Working Group Newsletter

Vertebrate Pest Conference Proceedings collection

Western Region Coordinating Committee for Vertebrate Pests of Agriculture, Forestry, and Public Lands (WCC-95)

Wildlife Damage Management Conference Proceedings

Wildlife Damage News

Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin