National Council of Instructional Administrators


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Date of this Version



Instructional Leadership Abstracts, December, 2019


Published by the National Council of Instructional Administrators (NCIA)


I have watched with great enthusiasm the past few months as I’ve seen more and more movement behind the #EndCCStigma movement, both on Twitter and in real-life form. Frankly, this has been many years in the making and is long overdue. The fact is, we have allowed society to perpetuate this stigma and it is high time we stop allowing them to do so. Community colleges touch the lives of so many individuals. Even those who never become our students are often touched by their local community college. Whether a parent, brother, sister, cousin, or even friend attended, the touch of a community college runs deep and wide. Community colleges change the lives of those who attend and their families for generations to come. In many cases, community colleges are largely responsible for moving families out of intergenerational poverty. That, in and of itself, shows the worthiness of community colleges.
