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In view to measure the scientific temper of publication output and to examine the citation pattern in the area of social sciences, 1000 papers drawn from Science Direct Database from the period 2006-2010 for the present piece of study is experienced. In order to serve this purpose the focus has been centered on the analysis of trend of publications, citation and ranking patterns, and global publication profiles in the faculty of the study, and extensively, an attempt has been made to explore the strengths and weakness of different productive countries, affiliated organizations, and the most productive researchers, considering the quantum of their respective research publications. The core findings indicate that, the momentum in quantum of publication output and the participation of number of researchers in research and development has already been accelerated generally in social sciences, specifically, in Political Science at a vertical direction. USA has been proved as a most productive country with 52.6 and 44.8 per cent papers among 27 and 24 participative countries in both journals such as: ‘CPCS’ and ‘ES’. Besides, the period 2006-2010 has identified as one of the most productive time zones having highest 62.8 and 57.5 percent papers contribution to each journal respectively. Additionally, it is noticed that, the single author publications are dominant in 1st journal ‘CPCS’, while a highest number of papers in 2nd journal ‘ES’ are found to be co-authored which is dominating over single authorship pattern. Nevertheless, the most participative institutions in publication in both journals are significantly representing to the highly productive country ‘USA’ is graced to be worthiest, as the study unfolds.
