Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The advancement of science and technology has made a tremendous improvement in the lifestyle of the society today. It has affected almost all walks of life. Especially, the magnetic words, Information Technology has been chanted in all corners of the global arena and incorporates in organizational, managerial, developmental and marketing sectors. The services rendered with the help of Information Communication Technology (ICT) are faster and more effective. Libraries are not exempted from the impact of the Information Communication Technology. The implementations of ICT in the library and Information Centers have made a tremendous improvement in the management of these centers. This has made the library more users friendly and has increased the efficiency of the library professionals.

This study of this paper is carried out in the four different Libraries of Dehradun, where the ICT is implemented in the management of the library. It’s an extensive study carried out to find the potentiality of LMSs in managing the print and non print resources and to find the responses of the users’ perception towards the benefits of this technology.
