"Assessing Information Literacy Competency of Arts Faculty Students at " by Md. Maidul Islam and Md. Anisur Rahman

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Islam, M. I. and Rahman, M. A. (2014). Assessing information literacy competency of Arts faculty students at the University of Dhaka. Library Philosophy and Practice, May Issue, ISSN: 1522-0222.


The prime aim of this study is to assess Information Literacy Competency (ILC) of the Arts faculty students at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and to determine their strengths and weaknesses. In general it was found that students had limited skills in the area of information literacy, as it is not discussed extensively in their academic course curriculum. This study urges the incorporation of an information literacy program in the course curriculum and more writing, discussion and other relevant issues that will make the students more information literate. The findings of this study show Arts faculty students agree that information literacy is very important and helpful in academic work and research and they suggest that information literacy education should be embedded in the curriculum and it should also be introduced early in education to make it more effective. They also call for collaboration between librarian and faculty to facilitate the implementation of information literacy programs. The study presents a viewpoint of the students of Arts faculty in information literacy program and provides some insights into students’ knowledge about the concept of information literacy and the importance they attach to information literacy education.
