Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The aim of the study is to explore the factors affecting knowledge sharing (KS) practices in Dhaka University Library (DUL). This paper seeks to address the following research questions: How library professionals conceive about their attitude towards KS practices? What are the professionals’ perceptions about the users’ attitudes towards KS practices? And what are likely to be the factors that affect KS practices? The methodology of the study includes quantitative approach. The study has been conducted through a survey using a pre-structured questionnaire. The structured questionnaire was given to 30 library professionals who are working in two separate parts of the DUL through personal contact. The respondents were selected randomly from two separate parts of DUL (25 from the main library building and 5 from science library building). We received 23 responses, for a response rate of 76.67 percent. The results of the study show that 82.6 percent professionals are confidence and 17.4 percent are enthusiastic in KS while 91.3 percent respondents perceived that users are friendly, 4.3 percent perceived that they are not friendly, and 4.3 percent perceived that they are embarrassed in KS. This paper yields some factors affecting KS practices in Dhaka University Library as follows, individual/human factors, organizational factors, and technological factors. It investigates the original views of the library professionals regarding these factors. The DUL authority should take initiatives to improve KS practices to cope up with the increasing need for knowledge.
