Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The digital revolution is transforming and changing the nature of higher education and learning practices in Kenya. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to universities libraries in Kenya expose a variety of cutting edge digital technology systems to support the development of higher education and learning practices. This study used descriptive survey design where the target population comprised of 120 respondents drawn from three public and two private university libraries. Out of the total population, 40 were information professionals with 10 information technology systems, while 70 consisted of the digital natives or customers. The sampling technique applied to arrive at the target population was purposive sampling method. Multiple aspects of data and information were gathered and collected through the use of questionnaire and document review analysis. Digital technologies are increasingly being accepted and used to access education, information and knowledge in universities. Internet of things and mobile computer devices are widely applied and used by the digital natives in university libraries and higher education institutions. Modern trends in education and knowledge practices in universities and libraries depends upon internet of things, digital repositories, electronic books and journals, social media interfaces, multimedia applications, information portal hubs and interactive websites, although challenges regarding inadequate information communication technology infrastructure and social computing facilities were adversely noted. The study involved selected public and private institutions of higher education and learning in Kenya. Majority of the respondents were digital natives because the purpose of the study was to get comprehensive information and sentiments from the customers regarding institutional preparedness and extent of use of electronic technologies and systems. Higher education and learning institutions across the globe have implemented digital technologies and internet resources to support research, teaching and learning objectives. In order to ensure value for money, return on investment and acceptance, the universities, libraries and management also have the mandate to expose customers to digital technologies and systems. Universities and libraries must be compliant with the modern digital information, knowledge and technology requirements. Social and moral responsibility of higher education institutions including affiliate agencies is to provide information and knowledge in relation to the needs and demands of the customers. Economically both customers and institutions need to get value for the resources committed and return on investment. The digital revolution has transformed and changed the education, information and knowledge media landscape in academic institutions, universities, libraries and related agencies. In order to make use of the modern transformation and growing range of applications of digital technologies and related systems in relation to the changing nature of higher education and learning practices in universities and libraries, there is need to invest in advanced cloud and social computing infrastructure.

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