Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Original research paper.


This paper discusses the development of six domain specific cluster software in the college libraries under the University of Burdwan. Library is the heart of educational institutions. So, as to select the open source relevant with comprehensive software and global parameters on the basis of global recommendations like IFLA-Working Group, Integrated Library System for Discovery Interface (ILS-DI), Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Comments (RFC), Service Oriented Architectre (SOA) and Open Library Environment Projects (OLE) including the areas like integrated library system cluster, digital media archiving cluster, content management system cluster, learning content management system cluster, federated search system cluster and college communication interaction cluster for designing and developing the college libraries under the University of Burdwan. Also develop the single window based interface in six domain specific cluster for the college librarians and the users to access their necessary resources through open source software and open standards. These six domain specific cluster softwares are to be selected for easily managed the digital and library resources in the college libraries affiliated to the University of Burdwan. This integrated framework can easily managed the housekeeping operations and information retrieval systems like acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, member generation, authority control, report generation and online public access catalogue for the users as well as library professionals also.
