"Information Needs and Computer Self Efficacy as Factors Influencing Us" by Olawale Oyewole and Tope Johnson Oladepo

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examines the influence of information needs and computer self efficacy on the use of electronic reference services by undergraduate students in a Nigerian University. Appropriate literature on information needs, computer self efficacy and use of electronic reference services was reviewed. The Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study and the population consisted of 15395 students of the Federal University of Technology Akure and the librarian in charge of the electronic reference service in the institution’s library. The multistage random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 251 and the questionnaire and an interview schedule were the instruments used for data collection. Data was analyzed with the use of descriptive statistics consisting of frequency counts and percentages, correlation and regression analysis. The responses from the interview were thematically discussed in line with the research questions. Findings revealed that the information needs of majority of the undergraduate students were related to preparation for examination 215 (89.6%) and assignment completion200 (83.3%). Most of the respondents had high computer self efficacy (overall mean=47.06). It was only computer self efficacy that significantly predicts use of electronic reference service by undergraduates (β =.200, P<.05).

Keywords: Information needs, computer self efficacy, electronic reference services, Nigeria
