Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The purpose of this study is to investigate awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools by librarians in university libraries in South- South Nigeria. This study adopted a descriptive survey research design. Purposive sampling technique was used based on the researcher’s discretion, there are 21 university libraries in South-south, Nigeria but the researchers used 16 universities out of the total numbers because of the large scope and financial implication to cover the total population. A total population of 194 librarians was used for this study. Questionnaire was the primary instrument for data collection. The study showed that respondents are aware of Facebooks, Whatsapp, Blogs, Wikis, YouTube, while they are unaware of RSS Feeds, Bookmarking, and Podcast. Respondents indicated that they use web 2.0 tools on a daily basis. The study also revealed that academic librarians in the South- south region of Nigeria use web 2.0 tools mainly for reference services online, marketing of library services, collaborating with colleagues/ friends and current awareness services. However, their knowledge of social tagging and book marking is limited. More so, majority of the librarians from South- south Nigeria are absolutely satisfied with the use of Web 2.0 tools in boosting their services. The study also revealed that the major challenges facing librarians in South-south Region of Nigeria in the use of Web 2.0 tools are poor internet connectivity and unreliable power supply. The researchers therefore recommended that Librarians should make stringent efforts to explore the potentials in bookmarking, podcast and RSS feed in the enhancement of their services. Alternative power supply should be made available in academic libraries to enable librarians charge their phones, laptops and other electronic gadgets which they use to access web 2.0 tools. Training should be conducted regularly to
