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Winter 9-25-2018

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1-Available at (accessed on 16 jan 2017)

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The study presents the trends in authorship pattern and author collaborative in the Biotechnology research field with the sample of 18119 articles which collected from Scopus database for the year 2007 to 2016. The search string used for data download is same for all country and all data downloaded for each country. The three scientometric tools; Collaboration Coefficient, Authorship pattern and Activity Index have been used for the data analysis. The multi- authorship articles are greater than single authorship. The study found that the researchers in Biotechnology move towards team research or group research rather than solo research. The average Activity Index of four SAARC countries for ten years’ time spam is highest for India and lowest counted for Sri Lanka followed by Pakistan and Bangladesh at the 3rd and 4th place. The international collaboration shows that the United States has taken the top position for India and Sri Lanka, another hand China important for Pakistan and Bangladesh contributed with Japan.
