"Top 10 Indian Academic/Research Organizations: A Scientometric Analysi" by Manendra Kumar Singh and Prof. Aditya Tripathi

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 3-27-2018

Document Type



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Department of Library and Information Science


Scientometric study is an effective assessment tool for ongoing researches in a given field. It applies mathematical and statistical methods to study the use of documents and patterns of publication. Present work attempts to describe the patterns of publication by top ten Indian Academic/Research Organizations in the field of Biotechnology. Overall, 5423 articles were related to the field in Scopus database during 2001-2016. The applied scientometric tools are Collaboration Coefficient, Co-authorship Index and Activity Index to study the trend of authorship and collaborative research activities in the given domain. The activity Index formula has been modified for the mapping of Institute data. The most preferred country for international collaboration was United States.
