Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 12-12-2019

Document Type



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Access to the required information in all available scientific disciplines is one of the most important factors in the survival of that field. In the architecture field, the type of information format differs from other disciplines. In this field, images are important for performing architectural activities as well as training. The purpose of this study was to identify the behavior of image in the architecture of Shahid Beheshti University. Therefore, by reviewing related retrieval texts, information behavior, image retrieval, and architecture, the discovery of the importance of the image in this field and the features of image retrieval and image retrieval solutions were addressed. The present study is an applied target and descriptive survey method. The statistical population of the study consists of two groups of students and professors in architecture of Shahid Beheshti University. The number of professors and students in the field of architecture was 1262, and it was not possible to examine all of the group members, so they were sampled from the community. To determine the sample size, the Cochran formula was used and the sample size in this formula was 296, but slightly more than the sample size, 300 questionnaires were distributed. After collecting the questionnaires and analyzing the responses, SPSS software was used to identify the characteristics of the behavior of the specialists in the field of architecture. The results showed that the architects mainly used images for identifying creative and the use of details of architectural structures. In order to identify the need for images, they are required mainly used social networks, specialized search engines, specialized image databases and consult with their professionals. The type of image content they used was mostly photos, maps and charts. Find them in engines and image databases by limiting the size of the image and following related links as long as the image was taken. One of the major obstacles in finding images for architects was the lack of familiarity with the way they were searched. Creativity, proximity to the subject, the credibility and quality of the images were the criteria for selecting content. Easy to use and easy to navigate was the main criterion for selecting the content delivery site. The amount of library utilization and its services by architectural experts were as acceptable as the use of search engines and the Internet, which requires the planning and development of services for the benefit of library architects.
