Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 5-8-2019

Document Type



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the study focuses on feasibility of establishing digital library in public libraries of Mazandaran province in order to develop patrons and attract clients. Survey and filed research implemented and 31 questionnaires were distributed among librarians. In order to analyzing research data, SPSS software and Microsoft office Excel software was used. Librarian’s knowledge about digital libraries is very well and with some short-term in-service training courses, considerable qualitative human resources as librarian will prepare to work in this area. However, libraries need to be equipped with the standard infrastructure and equipment to service them. the results of this research Applicable for feasibility study of establishing digital library in public libraries of Mazandaran province and other similar public libraries in Iran. the research aims to assess the infrastructure and equipment in libraries, also examined the librarian’s familiarity about requirements, priorities, and how to establishing a digital library.
