Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 2-6-2020

Document Type



The main objective of this study was to assess the status of ICT competencies of LIS professionals, methods of acquiring ICT skills and suggestions to survive in this digital era. A quantitative method was used and a self-administrated questionnaire distributed among 206 university library professionals working in Punjab through google form, and email. Collected data was analyzed through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).

The findings reveal that most of the LIS Professionals had advance level competencies in library management systems, simple searching techniques, proficiency in social media and search engine usage. They also possessed moderate skills in basic hardware and software installation, office management, and required computer programming skills, Linux OS and cloud computing. The majority of the university library professionals preferred personal practices, workshops, seminars and conferences for the acquisition of ICT competencies along with the role of LIS Schools. The results of this study will be useful for LIS schools, professional associations and groups for future planning and policy making to inculcate ICT competencies in the LIS professionals in the Punjab, Pakistan.
