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A systematic property planning is one of the most important processes to ensure that the accumulated property over a person's lifetime can be fully utilized for goodness especially by their heirs. However, there are many problems of neglection and postponement in islamic estate distribution among the heirs nowadays, which result in difficulties in the management process. In fact, because of the unfamiliarity of the property distribution process among the heirs has caused them to ignore existing solutions. Therefore, this article aims to study the factors leading to delays in islamic estate administration and to highlight solutions to the arising issues from 107 research articles and discussions on islamic estate planning instruments from the year 2014 to 2019 to better understand this issue. This study is qualitative in nature and based on document analysis from previous literature in property management. The collected articles were analysed descriptively using Atlas ti 8 software and the total frequency of each variable was measured using Microsoft Excel 2007. This article is focusing on several variables including the frequency of articles issued on the topic, article production types, data analysis methods, approach pattern research, the gender of the authors, the rank of authors according to number of articles produced, list of journals and publication types. The initial review of this study has ascertained that there are numerous related studies done between the year 2014 to 2019 compared to the previous years. In general, this article is showing the islamic estate administration system and its laws are influencing factors apart from its relation to individual awareness in achieving better property management. In fact, each instruments; islamic inheritance, will, gift and islamic entrustment nowdays are growing rapidly in many sectors. These instruments offer good solutions in achieving effective islamic estate planning if its functions are well understood and observed. This indicates that the issue of islamic estate planning is still significant and has been extensively researched. Therefore, it is hoped that this study may provide a comprehensive overview of current issues related to islamic estate planning and provide a broader perspective to recent and future studies in addressing this issue.