Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 6-2020


The present analytical study demonstrates the present status and trend of doctoral research in Library and Information science (LIS) discipline in the Universities of West Bengal. For this purpose, the primary data have been collected from the Central Library and LIS Schools of the respective Universities. Total 230 Ph.D. theses have been awarded in LIS discipline from West Bengal for 40 years period from 1979 to 2018. The bibliographical details of the theses have been interpreted using different parameters like university, year, researcher’s gender, supervisor’s gender, supervision pattern, active supervisor, language and subject. A steady development has been observed till 2000 and since then the growth of LIS research is increasing significantly. The result shows that Jadavpur University produces maximum theses and the topics like ‘Users’ study’, ‘Information seeking behaviour’ and ‘Information Sources & Services’ are the apparent focus area among the scholars.
