Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-7-2020

Document Type



Bibliometric survey or bibliometric review papers generally analyses the work done previously by eminent personalities, authors, countries and various institutions which was published in giant databases like Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Research Gate and others. Bibliometric papers provide amalgamation of wide range of research papers from journals, conferences, reviews and other papers, which are working papers, papers with results, proposals and few of them are survey papers etc. Bibliometric papers are One-Stop-Solution for the readers and upcoming researchers to get acquainted entirely about the specific topic / domain. Bibliometric papers also help in smartly locating research-gaps for the aspiring PhD scholars. There are varieties of bibliometric analysis carried out so far by the authors and hence such bibliometric papers plays a vital role in the fraternity of researchers, as a stepping stone. Clustering is the widely used and beneficial method of segregating heap of information and data in a meaningful manner, so as to effectually used by decision authorities for forecasting, assessing and planning etc. Clustering is widely applicable to numeric and text form of data which is available and generated in real time on large scale, due to invent of internet, IoT and other techniques. Hence it is essential to understand the overall research details about the clustering and alike domains, with a special focus on bibliometric papers published in the domain of clustering. This paper discusses about how many authors, institutions, countries etc. have published the bibliometric analysis in Scopus and WoS databases, so as to aptly direct the readers, researchers who wish to initiate their research in the field of clustering.
