Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper discussed the contemporary digital literacy skills among library professionals in Jimma university libraries of Ethiopia. The study was guided by six objectives and research questions. The design of the study is descriptive survey and the population consists of all librarians from Jimma university libraries. The instrument used to generate data is the questionnaire and the data generated was analyzed using simple percentages and frequency count for research questions and SPSS version 20.0. The findings show that electronic mailing, internet use, social networking and mobile phones use are the major digital literacy skills amongst librarians. Also found that librarians acquired the skills through attending workshops, formal education and by you tube. The service delivery is highly positive with the level of proficiency is moderate as maximum professionals. The constraints are the availability of electricity and internet. It was also found that they acquired digital literacy skills by the use of Web OPAC, digital library and institutional repository. Researchers made useful recommendations.
