Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 10-2020

Document Type



The present paper is a scientometric enquiry of research publications of Tripura University for a period of 10 years (i.e. from 2010-2019) and based on the secondary data collected from Web of Science databases and found that the total 503 papers published during this study period which index in web of science database. The study endeavours to analyse the pattern of publications, annual growth in publications, authorship pattern, types of documents, collaboration patterns, collaborative index, collaboration coefficient, modified collaboration coefficient, prolific author etc. based on collected data and found that 2017 and 2019 were the most productive year for this university with 84 (16.7%) publications. The maximum documents published during the study period are in the form of research article 445(88.46%). Bhattacharjee, D and Hussain S,A was the top most prolific authors having 68 and 62 publications respectively and Jadavpur University has highest collaboration with Tripura University having 48 publication which is 9.54% of total publications.
