Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 2020

Document Type



The present study analyses the papers published in Webology journal from 2010 to 2019. The parameters used in the study were: distribution of articles, Authorship Patterns, Collaboration Index (CI), Degree of Collaboration (DC), Collaboration Coefficient (CC), Modified Collaboration Coefficient (MCC), Growth Rate, Lotka’s law, distribution of references and length of references. The study reveals that a total of 138 scholarly papers have been published by LIS professionals across the world. Iran ranked first among the researchers of different countries. The study reveals that the highest number of articles appeared during 2019 and has the maximum Collaboration Index, Collaboration Coefficient, and Modified Collaboration Coefficient. The majority of the contributions received from two authored publications with 28.14% and have an average collaboration of 0.89 which means a presence of good collaboration. A total of 4097 references were observed, where the year 2019 has the highest references (914, 22.31%).
