Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Electronic resources, particularly journal literature, have become a major element of library collections around the world. One of them is a collection of articles that are indexed in the indexing portal. There have been several publications related to the research results on the Citarum River. The Citarum River is one of the rivers that has an important role for the people in West Java Province, Indonesia. The published articles have been indexed on the Garuda portal, which is the national index for scientific articles. However, the research results in the form of scientific publications have not been mapped integratively. So this study aims to study several research results on the Citarum River. The method used is a quantitative method with a bibliometric analysis. The results of this study are already an increasing number of articles significantly. The increase in frequency is related to the initiation of the government to undertake CRB revitalization program, which involves academics and researchers to contribute knowledge in the form of research results. However, research on the Citarum River is still dominated by researchers from higher education institutions, as well as researchers from the natural sciences. Efforts are needed to improve research results in terms of quantity as well as quality, distribution of research affiliations, and subject areas of study, to enrich research results on the Citarum River. This is intended to add new knowledge that can be used by stakeholders in the decision-making process for the effectiveness and efficiency of revitalizing the Citarum River.
