"The Effect of Visual Communication on Children's Reading Interest" by Endri Endri

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 10-16-2021

Document Type





This paper aims to measure the visual communication effect of Noura storybooks on children's reading interests. Theories used in the research are family communication theory, storybook visualization, and children's reading interest. The method used is an explanatory survey method with a quantitative approach and positivistic paradigm. The study population consisted of parents of the Setya Bakti Early Childhood Education Program (PAUD). The sampling technique used was simple random sampling, with 100 respondents. The data analysis technique used is the person correlation and regression test. The analysis resulted that Noura's storybook contributed 24.5% to children's reading interest. The remaining percentage of 75.5% is the influence of other factors which not examined in this study. Hypothesis testing shows that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a significant influence between the visual variables of Noura storybooks on children's reading interests. Conclusion: visual storybook Noura (X) affects positively children's reading interest (Y).
