Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose – The objective of the research was to undertake a bibliometric study (2009-2019) on the influence of libraries on segments of human communities in Nigeria. The specific objectives are to determine the bibliometric newspapers, databases, and institutional repository components of the Nigerian Academic, Social, Economic, Judicial, Political, Health, Cultural, and Religious Communities.

Design/methodology/approach – The method adopted was the descriptive survey research design; specifically the online content analysis technique was co-opted. The study covered all the publications published for or about Library Transformation in Nigeria by both Nigerians and foreigners (2009-2019); that are domiciled in Nigerian Online Newspapers, Online Databases, and Institutional Repositories. For Online Newspapers, the study used the Punch and Vanguard Newspapers, for Online Databases, the study used the DOAJ and SCOPUS Databases, while for Institutional Repositories, the study used the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), and University of Lagos (UNILAG) Institutional Repositories. The search keyword was “Library+Nigeria” while the component parameters within which the search results from each community was analysed were: Technology Transformation; Library Structure/ Building; Education; Equipping the Library; Community Social Responsibility; Reading Culture; Politics & Government.

Findings – The findings of the study among others reveals that the online representations of libraries’ influence on all the Nigerian Communities through the published resources on the institutional repositories, online databases, and online newspapers over a decade (2009-2019) is unsatisfactory. Libraries generally had greater influence on the Academic Community than other Communities, amassing a total of 65% of the online publications within the decade (2009-2019). Libraries influenced the Communities more through the Institutional Repositories Medium which constitutes 45% of the entire publications, while the most discussed issues centred more on Education (40%), Technology Transformation (26%), and Library Structure/ Building (14%).

Originality/value – Research studies focusing on libraries’ transformation on the various segments of Nigerian community are very rare. Despite the fact that there have been movements, campaigns, and publications on libraries transforming communities over the past decade, there is doubt if in reality it has impacted these communities in Nigeria through evidences and reactions from online newspapers, online databases, and institutional repositories. This, the study established.
