Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The main purpose of this paper is to explore the crucial roles of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in provision of library services, for sustainable development goals in Nigeria. The rationale behind the SDGs, understanding the content and contexts of the SDGs, analysis of the library-related SDGs, the place of the libraries in actualization of the SDGs were well articulated. Despite the availability of wide opportunities offered by the advent of ICT, it has been observed that application of ICT to library services in Nigeria seems inadequate probably due to variety of challenges. With the methodology of simple literature review, the paper made effort to review related literature on ICT resources and ICT based services in libraries, benefits of ICT and the role of library in sustainable development of Nigeria. The paper further identified the challenges of ICT application in libraries. It was recommended among others that, there should be improvement in the capacity and level of ICT adoption by libraries.