Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 2021

Document Type



This article discusses the service of public libraries with multicultural perspective. This study aims to identify the role of public libraries in providing services to multicultural communities. The literature study method is used in seeing various views related to the topic by reviewing national and international journal articles in the last five years (2016-2020). The results show that public libraries play a role in fulfilling the information needs of multicultural communities, especially in supporting the adaptation process to a new environment while maintaining their original identity and culture. The development of special services is a fulfillment solution through the provision of specific information, multilingual collections, and collections that have local value from immigrants and natives. The provision of common space for joint activities can bridge the problems of cultural differences that often result in tensions and prejudice between a cultural community. Librarian collective policy and awareness are the main determining factors in supporting the success of public libraries in providing services and information needs of multicultural communities. In addition, the librarian's ability to understand cultural diversity, or what is known as cultural competence, is a requirement. This means that librarians must be able to understand the diverse needs of society and this ability must be developed in line with the dynamics of change in a multicultural society.
