Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 4-16-2021

Document Type



Abstract: The use of Electronic Health Records by healthcare providers has proved to be critical to achieving the triple aim of improved healthcare quality, increased efficiency as well as healthcare cost reduction. However, indiscriminate adoption and use of any technology like the EHR is also known to be prone to being counterproductive and a waste of resources. This paper seeks to extract the lessons from the experiences of the U.S in their adoption and use of the EHR technology as a guiding strategy or blueprint for Nigeria in its quest to encourage the use of the technology in its healthcare facilities for the benefit of its citizens. The paper concluded that for Nigeria to maximally benefit from the EHR technology, the country must encourage universal and meaningful use of the technology through appropriate legislation, incentives, standardized and certified solutions, health information exchange campaign and continuous monitoring of the progress of the process towards achieving the desired outcome. These lessons from the experiences of the U.S in their use of EHR promise to be the sure pathway to the successful adoption and use of the technology in Nigeria.
