Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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It has been observed in recent times that most undergraduates either do not visit their campus library or do so occasionally throughout their stay in the university. Librarians and faculty members alike complain that young people too often conceive the research process as beginning and ending with an internet search. Students’ conviction that the internet provides more efficient, productive, and enjoyable paths to information may perhaps be the reason for this scenario. The question is, will librarians leave it as it currently exists or work now to make the library be as it must exist in the future? This paper therefore reviews application of intelligence needs in promoting users patronage in public tertiary institution libraries in Ondo State, Nigeria. Major areas of discussion in the paper include competitive intelligence, objectives of competitive intelligence, intelligence needs for libraries, strength, weakness, opportunities and threats in libraries. The study also discussed applications of intelligence needs on library management of public tertiary institutions and services in Ondo State, Nigeria with a view to making them a robust place of attraction and constant patronage by the patrons.
