Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-28-2021

Document Type



This study analyses the global level outlook of research publications on Mucormycosis output between the period of 1923 to 2021 (May) on different limitations including contribution of authors, communication channel, publications on Institutions, countries, Journals, cited articles and mode of languages. 4451 data was downloaded from core collection of Web of Science bibliographic database using the search term ‘Mucormycosis’ and limited the publications 1900 to 2021, first publication was started in 1923 onwards. 3798 institutions and 8562 different disciplines contributed and 2808 records are in Articles. 4451 records published by 17320 authors and 23552 collaborated authors, documents per author are 0.257, authors per document are 3.89 and co-authors per document are 5.29. First article in German language with two authored in 1923, single authored documents are 287 and 74 authors contributed a single article in this topic. Total records published in 1161 journals with 11 languages from 95 countries in the Globe and 1504 are open access and 12 articles are highly cited in this field.
