"ICT Awareness and Skills for women empowerment and entrepreneurship am" by Srinivasaragavan S, gayathri sakthivel et al.

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Date of this Version

Winter 12-31-2021

Document Type



United Nations Development Programme (UNDP- 1965) define Information and Communication Technologies [ICTs] are basically information-handling tools – a varied set of goods, applications and services that are used to create, store up, practice, issue and exchange information. The set include the old ICTs such as radio, television and telephone, and then new ICTs of computers, satellite and wireless technology and the Internet. These different tools are now able to work together, and combine to form our networked world. An enormous infrastructure of inter-connected telephone services standardized computing hardware, the internet, radio and television, which reaches into every corner of the globe”. at the present time, both traditional and modern ICTs are accessed and used for Various information needs of the people. Self employability and employability through ICT for rural women can enable by developing skills in the ICT areas are Use of online Transactions, Use of consumer and professional websites and apps, Use of Office Management software and Desktop Publishing Tools, Use of Storage Devices Tools, Use of Website Creation Tools, Leadership and Motivational Skills and Entrepreneurial and Employability Skills were highlighted to the surveyed rural women, the level of awareness, skills used to employability and personality level have been assesses in this study
