Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-1-2021

Document Type



This study evaluate all article about map scientific publications in the field of school based management visually at the global level indexed by Scopus using Bibliometric analysis. This study focused on articles of School Based Management at the international level.


This study aims to map scientific publications in the field of school based management visually at the global level indexed by Scopus using Bibliometric analysis. This study focused on articles of School Based Management at the international level. Research data were obtained from the Scopus database in December 2020 through the publish or perish software. All the discussions and analysis in this paper is based on 52 papers consisting of 40 papers, 7 conference papers and 3 reviews. Then the paper will be analyzed using the VOSviewer application for viewing and creating the desired Bibliometric maps. In total, 52 papers from 2010 to 2020 were identified, the highest growth occurred in 2019 with 15 papers. The most productive countries, universities by contributing authors, and authors in the field of school based management publications are Indonesia, Lampung University and A. Bandur. Most international publications on school based management are published by Journal of Educational Development which has published 7 SBM papers. The development of the keyword network in this study is to become 8 clusters and school is the keyword most frequently used or researched.
