Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 3-2021

Document Type



The developments in Information Communication Technology (ICT) have altered the methods through which information for academic enquiry are processed, stored, distributed, retrieved and circulated. This study expounds the outcomes of an investigation on the awareness and use of electronic journal (e-journals) among the teaching staff of 5 selected private universities in South West zone of Nigeria, The study employed a descriptive analysis and the use of questionnaires as the key instruments to obtain information from the respondents. The prime finding of the study discovered that there is a clear-cut correlation linking awareness and use of e-journal among the academic staff of the selected universities, but not statistically important (p>0.05). The study advocates for an increase in the awareness of e-journals among the academic members via regular workshops, use of bulletins, news-sheets, flyers and brochures. The study additionally recommends that the university authorities should expand and maintain a subscription to print journal as well.
