Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-8-2021

Document Type



This paper presents the scientometric analysis of Spice research publications in India from SCOPUS database during 2010 - 2019 with 3120 research publications. During the Study period, maximum of 400(12.82%) research publications are contributed in the year 2018 and 2019, average research publication per year is 312 and CAGR is 8.62. Relative growth rate is 0.92 in the year 2011 and 0.14 in the year 2019, at the same time doubling time is 0.75 in the year 2011 and 5.05 in the year 2019. Out of 3120 research publications, 179(5.74%) publications are contributed by single author’s publications and remaining 2941(94.26%) research publications are multi authors publications. The average degree of collaboration is 0.94. From this study, maximum of 91 (2.92%) research publications are contributed by Pandey, N, maximum of 38(1.22%) research publications are contributed by Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing and maximum of 113(3.62%) publications are produced by Delhi Technological University. Maximum number of 48(1.54%) publications are funded by University Grants Commission. Bradford’s Law of Scattering study identified from Zone 1, 40(5.43%) journals were most prolific with 624(32.91%) research publications. The Collaborating countries in India, maximum of 119(3.81%) publications are contributions by United States and Indian authors are collaborated 62 countries with 480 research publications. Time series analysis study found that Spice research publications in Indian in the year 2025 is around are equal to 520 publications and the year 2030 is around are equal to 627 publications and this study confirmed Spice research publications in India is increasing trend.
