Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 11-9-2021

Document Type



This study revealed importance of information sources among the biological faculty members and research scholars of Madurai Kamaraj University. In this studies the relative importance of information sources among the biologist on the basis of statistical tests concludes that the personal attributes of biologists such as designation, gender, age, qualification, subject, experience, nature of work and nature of research in a university level have bearing on the use of information resources. The results show that position and education are good predictors of information use while professional experience has little power in explaining variations in information source use. The findings of the study support the notion that information source use is a result of complex set of interactions among variables. The examination of the interaction of some of the variables such as education, position, and experience provides insight in understanding the factors that influence the use of information sources. The study reveals that the Reprints/Prints, Abstracting and Indexing Journal, primary periodicals, Newspaper, Dictionaries, Subject Bibliographies and Monographs / Text books were the sources of information which were most frequently used by the largest majority of the biologists.
