Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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In the academic world, journal rankings have broadly used to evaluate the impact and quality of scholarly journals. The study's key objective is to comparatively analyze the citation-based scientometric indicators of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT) and Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS) journals using SCImago Journal Rank from 2016 to 2020. The data was collected from SCImago Journal Rank website. This article discusses the year wise SJR with quartile, citation per document 4years/3years/2years wise, self cites and total cites, external cites and cites per document, percentage of international collaboration, citable and non-citable documents, cited and uncited documents. The SJR value for the last five years results illustrates that the highest SJR for ALIS and DJLIT journals is 2.98 and 0.514, respectively, in the year 2020. The highest 23 self-citations and 250 total citations received for ALIS; however, the DJLIT journal is 106 and 637 for the last five years. The total international collaborations for the ALIS and DJLIT journals are 16.65 and 19.4, respectively.
